Saturday 5 October 2013

Holistic Marketing

                                 Holistic Marketing
The holistic marketing concept looks at marketing as a complex activity and acknowledges that everything matters in marketing. The Holistic viewpoint follows that system in this case marketing somehow functions as wholes and that their functioning cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their component parts. Therefore, a broad and integrated perspective is necessary in developing, designing, and implementing programs and activities.
There are four components that characterize Holistic marketing:-
  1. Relationship Marketing- It emphasizes on customer retention, customer loyalty and satisfaction rather than a dominant focus on sales transactions.
  2. Internal Marketing- It is a process that occur within a company or organization whereby the functional process align, encourage, and empowers employees at all management levels to deliver a satisfying customer experience.
  3. Integrated Marketing- It is an approach to brand communication where the different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customer and are presented with a similar tone and style that reinforces the brand's core message.
  4. Socially Responsible Marketing- It is a marketing that states a company should take into account what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term.

Head & Shoulders is a leading anti dandruff shampoo which has grown for nine straight year, including 20 percent recently.The market share of Head & Shoulders is 38% in comparision other shampoo brands. It has tried reaching every kind of customer from higher middle class to the lower class catering to their hair problems.It also aims at increasing the market space, sales and growth of the product. Head & Shoulder is a niche brand to a global beauty care franchisee. Within next few years it could become one of P&G's brand  with annual sales upto $ 1 billion .It ensure that the consumer gets a better product in a cost effective  manner.In a way Head & Shoulder practice holistic marketing.

Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning


Market Segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications for the relevant goods and services. Depending on the specific characteristics of the product, these subsets may be divided by criteria such as age and gender, or other distinctions, like location or income. Marketing campaigns can then be designed and implemented to target these specific customer segment. Segmentation is mainly done to understand the basic needs of a customer and to cater them in a better manner.

Segmentation stratgies have different criteria:-

  • It should be possible to identify and measure
  • It should be big enough to be worth the effort
  • It should be easy to reach it
  • It should not change quickly
  • And it should be responsive
Segmentation of  Head & Shoulders
Head & Shoulders came up with variety of shampoos and conditioner in order to solve their consumer's hair related problem. The market segment of Head & Shoulders are men and women aged 18 to 40 years, single and married located on the urban side of the region. The product is designed for the people who work 24 hours a day and are related to several people at work, in addition to their personal appearance need to have their hair clean, fresh and no traces of dandruff. And it also offer different shampoos for different hair problem depending upon the consumer like shampoo for oily scalp, dry scalp, for men, anti-dandruff, hair fall, etc.


Target market is a specific group of consumer that a business wishes to attract and sell its line of goods or service to. A target market may be defined in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, economic class, ethnicity, religion, or location. This process of socio-economic grouping allow business to create profiles of typical customer who is likely to purchase products from the company, which in turn provide the basis for the creation of marketing and sales initiative that allow the business to build a clientele within that customer demographic.

Target Market of Head & Shoulders
Basically the target market of Head & Shoulders would be men and women between the age of 15 to 45 years. They are targeting all the classes of society like high middle class which will include doctors, accounting, middle class which include teachers, nurses, lower middle class,training class, working class and , lower class .


Positioning helps establish your product's or service's identity within the eye of the purchaser. A company's positioning strategy is affected by a number of variables related to customers' motivations and requirements, as well as by its competitors' actions. This is created through the use of promotion, price, place and product. The more intense a positioning strategy, typically the more effective the marketing strategy is for a company. A good positioning strategy elevates the marketing efforts and helps a buyer move from knowledge of a product or service to it purchase.

 Positioning of Heads & Shoulders
Head & Shoulder is positioned in the market as a shampoo which gives 7 scalp and hair benefits such as

  • Fight Dryness
  • Calms itch
  • Relieves Irritation
  • Reduce Redness
  • Control Oiliness
  • Remove Flakes 
  • Leaves Beautiful hair

Organizational Buying Behaviour

                                             Organizational Buying Behaviour

Organization Buying is the decision making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and supplies.
Organizational buying is very similar to individual buying with some contextual differences. Organizations Buy in furtherance of organisational objectives, such as manufacture and deliver goods and services to the members, customers and community. Organisational Buying is heavily influenced by derived demand, it demand for the end product or the product or services demanded by the customers from the buyers. Overall customer demand is impacted by economic, social, political and technological factors in the environment.

                                                    Organizational Buying Process

Three types of buying situation:
  1. New Task- In this situation organisation is the first time buyer of the product or service. This involve great risks, so the buying center is enlarged to include all who have a stake in new buy.
  2. Modified Rebuy- In this situation users, influencers, or deciders in the buying centers want to change the product specifications, price, delivery,schedule or supplier.
  3. Straight Rebuy- In this situation buyers reorder an existing product or services from the list of acceptable suppliers.
For Heads & Shoulders the buyer would be the retailers,market stalls,personal care stores, convenience stores,medical stores,Utilize P&G distribution leverage or the franchisees or the mom and pop stores that buy Head & Shoulders in bulk to sell in their shops. Bulk buyers helps in getting the buyer better and cheap prices for that product.

Sales Management

                                     Sales Management

Sales Management is the discipline of maximizing the benefits a company and its customer receive from the efforts of its sales force. It is also the attainment of sales force goals in a effective and efficient manner through planning, staffing, training, directing, and evaluating organizational resources. And every business has some goals to achieve.

The typical sales management goals are
  • Profitability
  • Sales volume
  • Market share
  • Growth
  • Corporate image\
Elements of Sales Management

  • Planning
  • Co-ordination/ Recruiting/ Training
  • Controlling
  • Evaluating
  • Effectiveness
  • Motivating

Sales Management Of Head & Shoulders

By the end of 2000 Head & Shoulders started to loose its market share due to the launch of All Clear. Then Head & Shoulders came up with its new strategies in order to regain the market share, to increase its sales and to fight back the competition. Head & Shoulders maintain its quality with consistent improvement, it came up with new varieties according to the market needs, promotion in rural area and semi urban area, came up with special offers and discounts to consumers as well as to the distributors, also used innovative means of promotion like forming a special association or group.  These methods helped Head & Shoulder trigger their sales and promotions.

Distribution Decisions


It is a process of delivering the product to the end user by the manufacturer in a cost effective manner. A distribution channel consists of a producers, consumers or users and the various middlemen like wholesaler, selling agents and retailers(dealers) who intervene between the producers and consumers.Therefore, the channel serves to bridge the gap between the point of production and the point of consumption thereby creating time, place and possession utilities. For example, if you're a detergent manufacturer, it doesn't make sense to ask your customers to drive to your factory in order to buy their washing machine soap. Instead, it make much more sense to use distribution channels like supermarket chains.

There are certain factors which should be kept in mind before choosing a distribution channel

  • Nature of the product
  • The market
  • The business
  • Legal issues

Type of distribution channels are broadly classified as
  1. Direct Channel or Zero Level Channels- In this type of channel the manufacturer sell the product directly to the customer instead of selling it to the intermediary. Direct Channels includes retail outlet, mail order selling, internet selling, etc.
  2. Indirect Channels- The channel through which the manufacturer takes help of one or more middle man to transfer the product to the consumer then that channel is called Indirect Channel. Indirect Channels have been classified into 3 type

    • One Level Channel- In this method intermediary is used.In this method the product or goods are directly sold to the retailers instead of selling it to the wholesaler or agents. For example-used to sell expensive watches. This method is used to sell FMGC (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).
    • Two Level Channel- In this method the products or goods are sell to the wholesaler first, then the wholesaler sell it to the retailer and then the retailer sell it to the end user or consumer.In this the wholesaler buy the goods in large quantity from the manufacturer who sell it to the retailer in small quantity. This method is used to sell tea, soap, sugar, ghee, etc.
    • Three Level Channel- In this method an agent is added between the manufacturer and the wholesaler. The agent helps in reducing the distance manufacturer and the wholesaler. Some big companies who can not directly contact the wholesaler take the help of agent to reach to them.  And such companies send their agents to all the regions and sell  the product to them.It is nothing but the addition of an agent to a two  level channel.
Distribution Channel Of Head & Shoulders

Integrating Marketing communication, ATL and BTL

       Integrating Marketing Communication (IMC)

Integrating Marketing communications (IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. IMC can also be defined as "a concept that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of a variety of communication disciplines to provide clarity. consistency and maximum communication impact". The primary idea behind an IMC strategy is to create a seamless experience for consumer across different aspects of the marketing mix. The brand's core image and messaging are reinforced as each marketing communication channel works together in unity, rather than in isolation. Their sum is greater than their part providing they speak consistently with one voice all the time, every time. this is enhanced when integration goes beyond just the basic communication tools. There are other levels of integration such as horizontal, vertical, internal, external and data integration. And hence these tools help strengthening integrated communications. 
Today, corporate marketing budget are allocated towards trade promotions, consumer promotions, branding public relations, and advertising. The allocation of communication budget away from mass media and traditional advertising has raised IMC's importance for effective marketing. Now, marketing is viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers. This transition in the advertising and media industries can be summarized by the following market trends: 

  • A shift from mass media advertising to multiple forms of communication
  • The growing popularity of more specialized (niche) media, which consider individualized patterns of consumption and increased segmentation of consumer tastes and preferences
  • The move from a manufacturer-dominated market to a retailer-dominated, consumer-controlled market
  • The growing use of data-based marketing versus general-focus advertising and marketing
  • Greater business accountability, particularly in advertising
  • Performance-based compensation within organizations, which helps increase sales and benefits in companies
  • Unlimited Internet access and greater availability of inline goods and services
  • A larger focus on developing marketing communications activities that produce value for target audiences, while raising benefits and reducing costs
Benefits for IMC
With so many product and services to choose from, consumer are often overwhelmed by the vast number of advertisements flooding both online and offline communication channels. Marketing message run the risk of being overlooked and ignores if they are not relevant to consumer needs and wants.
One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively communicate their brand’s story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness. IMC is also viewed as more cost-effective than mass media, since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various mediums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touchpoints. Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented piece
The other obvious benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies looking to boost their sales and profits. This is especially useful for small- or mid-sized firms that have limited people resources and marketing budgets. IMC wraps communications around customers and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process. The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue, and nurtures its relationship with customers throughout the exchange. 
Furthermore, IMC can be instrumental to creating a seamless purchasing experience that spurs customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.
Above the line (ATL)
ATL is one of the way in which promotions are targeted. It is the cost incurred during the production of an advertisement commercial for the large audience. It basically uses mass media method for its promotion that includes print, online media, television and cinema advertising. ATL tries to reach a larger audience.Making a message memorable to a large audience is not always easy. It is difficult to tailor a promotion to a specific group of consumers through above-the-line promotions. This is because it is viewed by a mass audience with different tastes and needs. Above-the-line promotion is also very expensive but quite creative. the main aims of above- the- line promotion are to inform customer, raise  awareness and build  brand positioning.
Ways in which ATL promotion is done
  • Television and radio can reach a wide range of consumers. 
  • The national press and consumer magazines are aimed mainly at consumers
  • Trade journals target a business audience

Below the Line (BTL)
Below the line methods are very specific, memorable activities focused on targeted groups of consumers. They are under the control of the organisation.The purpose of these activities has been to develop the brand by creating awareness and building a brand profile. Below-the-line methods include:
  • sponsorship
  • sales promotions
  • public relations
  • personal selling
  • direct marketing.
  • BTL involves the distribution of pamphlets, handbills, stickers, promotions, brochures placed at point of sale, on the roads through banners and placards. It could also involve product demos and samplings at busy places like malls and market places or residential complexes. 
Other BTL activities could include roadshows, or moving hoardings with the ad of the product, and vehicles with promotional staff interacting with people demonstrating the product and distributing  literature on the product.  BTL advertising is advertising that uses less conventional methods of advertising that the specific channels of advertising that may or may not be used by ATL advertising to promote products and services.

BTL Promotion
BTL promotion might include direct mail promotional campaigns, PR and sales promotions which are handled directly by the company itself or outsourced to specifically PR agencies and sales promotion agencies and may or not be related to the advertising campaign. BTL advertising might include email campaigns, telemarketing, etc with targeted groups of potential clients.“BTL is preferred on several occasions but the foremost would be when you need to have a personal interaction with the consumer.”
Head & Shoulders basically uses ATL promotion Techniques.

Pricing Decision

Pricing is the process in which we figure out what amount to attach to each unit. Everything that a customer has to pay in order to acquire goods and services. Pricing should also be consistent with the other elements of marketing mix, since it contribute to the perception of a product or a service by a consumer.
Price of a product or service influence the buying decision of a consumer

Consumer Buying Psychology:

Reference Price- A reference price is a price which a customer think is reasonable for a certain type of product or service. The reference price depends upon several factors like
  •  Memory of the past price,
  •  Competitive frame of reference,
  •  Price of other product in the same shelf, in the same category or in the same product line,
  •  The way the price is presented for instance absolute numbers verses per quarter, per pound, per hour of use, per application, etc
  • The order in which people see a range of price
For example- For 80 ml Pantene shampoo bottle the price is Rs 64 and for a 80 ml Head & Shoulders bottle it is Rs 69. So the consumer will have a price range for a 80 ml shampoo bottle in between  Rs 65 and 70. Hence the company has to keep its product price in this range only in order to take care of the competition and profit.

Price-Quality Inference- Consumer develop belief about the correlation between price and quality from their own consumption experiences. For a given product category, some consumers believe that price and quality are highly correlated whereas other consumer believe that price and quality are not highly correlated. Furthermore, the inferences of quality  they make on the basis of price can influence their actual pricing decision. For example- Perfumes, Watches etc

Price cue- It is defined as any marketing strategies used by the firm or the company to create the perception that the current price offer good value compared to competitor's price, past price and future price. Some of the pricing tactics are placing a  sign at the point of purchase claiming an item is on "SALE", and quoting a price that will end at "9", Pricing Guarantees etc.

 Pricing For Head & Shoulders
Initially when Head & Shoulder were formed it used to come in bottle and it increase in sales it initially reduced its market price and also started making shampoo sachet which helped them gain profit. There were number of advantages of using sachet was you get to use variety of product, you don't have to worry about unsealed products. Despite of having so many competition in the same category Head & Shoulders make sure it live up to its brand name with affordable prices and better quality that will appeal large masses.
The current price of Head & Shoulders Shampoos:-
  • 90 ml- Rs 69
  • 170 ml-Rs 135
  • 375 ml-Rs 254
  • 675 ml-Rs 399

Branding and Brand management


It is the process of creating a unique name for the product and image in the consumer's mind, mainly through direct and indirect marketing that includes advertising with a consistent theme, sales promotion, public relation, print media, online branding etc. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retain loyal customers. Branding is also when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product. For example- Branding depends on different factors like how your brand is different from your competitors, what quality you are providing in terms of services and goods, how well do you deliver your goods and services, how well do you understand your customers need. If these thing helps in branding the product.

Elements of Branding

Brand Name- Head & Shoulders

  • The word Head refers to hair, because it is the products that solves the problem of dandruff and hair loss
  • The word Shoulders explains that the problem of dandruff can produce that which it fall on the shoulders causing a bad experience
  • It is a niche brand to a global beauty care franchise
  • It gives a sense of surety and trust  for total hair care
Brand Logo

  • Their logo is based on blue and white color that means freshness and serenity
  • It came in the market in 1961
  • Now  they have Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ail Khan as their brand ambassador
  • Initially there was on Head & Shoulders Shampoo later they came up with Head & Shoulders conditioner

Brand Slogan

  • Head & Shoulder slogan is "I never knew you had dandruff"
Brand Promise

  • Head & Shoulders fights dryness and dandruff
  • Calms itching
  • Reduce redness
  • Remove flakes
  • Control oiliness
  • Leaves hair beautiful

Service and Service Marketing

                                         Service and Service Marketing

Services are intangible in nature, only appearing when required by the consumer, which makes the nature of this type of business very different from that of others. Some examples include the hospitality sector, consulting, appliance repair, computer support, health care, utilities, business services, real estate, legal services, and education. In all of these cases, people are being provided with a service, not a product, whether they are receiving treatment for a medical problem or learning in an elementary school classroom. Services could be of any type and can be offered by an organization either by a company, private agencies or by government.
 Another example is Information Technology(IT) is a good business service that supports many other business services such as procurement, shipping and finance.
There are number of challenges it faces while delivering :-

  • Defining and improving quality
  • Communicating and testing new services
  • Communicating and maintaining a consistent image
  • Motivating and sustaining employee commitment
  • Setting prices
  • Standardization and Personalization
  • Coordinating marketing, operations and human resources efforts

Characteristic of a Service

Intangible-These are those services which can not seen, felt or touched. And which can not be perceived by the senses or physically possessed. It can not be readily displayed and communicated and in this pricing is also difficult. For example- waiter's job of serving the food is an intangible service, teachers providing service, musician playing music etc

Variability-In these type of services are given according to what a customer offers. Every individual is taken care of and no two service experiences are alike. And these services vary with quality  and its quality depends upon some uncontrollable factors. For example- people travelling by a airplane takes different class of services like some travel in economy class and some in business class. They choose the services according to their preferences.

Inseparability- In this the services are produced and consumed simultaneously. Inseparability requires that a consumer of a service interacts (sometimes physically) with its producer to receive its benefits. This characteristic of service make it impossible to disconnect the production of the service from its consumption. For example- service provided by a barber, beautician,doctor operating on a patient etc.

Perishability- Perashibility of service implies that service capacity cannot be stored, saved, returned or resold once rendered to the customer. In this relevant resources, processes and system of a service are assigned for delivery during a definite period in time. For example: Doctors provide service to the patients, if the clinic is closed for a week the service can be rendered to the customers the next week whereas in case of a restaurant if it is closed for a week the same food cannot be served the next week because of the perishability issue. Similarly the transportation service that an airline ticket entitles a customer to cannot be stored, saved, returned, or resold after the flight. It is also a perishable entity. When the demand is steady, then service perishability is not a problem but the service sector face a huge problem when the demand fluctuates. And as the demand fluctuates it will be very difficult to maintain the service quality.

Types of Services

Core services-Core services are nothing but that are addressed to the customer's need for a basic benefit. For example- transportation to a desired destination, a lawyer job, a doctor and teachers job.
Supplementary services- It is facilitating the services by using the core products and enhance use of the core service. And these services also help differentiating from bundles of competitors.For example- After sales support provided under a warranty that supports a core or main service.

Service Marketing
Service Marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on selling services. They can be tricky to sell, and the marketing approach for them is much different than the approach for products. Some companies offer both products and services and must use a mixture of styles; for example, a store that sells computers also tends to also help people select computers and provide computer repair. Such a store must market both its products and the supporting services it offers to appeal to customers.
When people market services, the goal is not to get customers to buy a product but to get people to do business with a particular company, often in a specific location. For example, a restaurant offers a service: it provides food to customers, both on-site and in to-go form in many cases. When the restaurant markets itself, it must convince people that it is preferable to other restaurants and that its facility is worth the trip.
In case of Head & Shoulders the association will be the customer care number printed on the shampoo bottle for consumer's feedback or for any complaints regarding the product and the official website so as to know more about the product.
                                                                    Product Mix
Product mix is the total composite of product offered by a particular organization. All the types of products a company makes or sells. the particular assortment of goods & services that a business offers to meet the needs of its market and its company goals

Every company's product mix has four dimensions to it :- Width, Length, Depth and Consistency

  1. Width- The number of different product lines carries by the company. In case of Head & Shoulders width is two. It has two product lines one is Head & Shoulders Shampoo and other is Head & shoulders conditioners.
  2. Length- The total number of items the company carries within the product line. In case of Head & Shoulders it is classified into anti-dandruff shampoos, oily scalp, for men, for women and dry scalp. For dandruff they offer cool menthol, classic clean, lemon fresh, clinical strength dandruff etc. For dry scalp they have dry scalp care and for oily scalp citrus breeze is there.
  3. Depth- The number of product and the assortment of size, color and models in a product line. Head & Shoulders has variety of shampoos to offer like anti hair fall, silky black, cool menthol, smooth & silky, clean fresh, classic clean, itchy scalp care etc. 
  4. Consistency-It refers to the relationship of various product line either in their end use production requirement, distribution channel or other way. In case of Head & Shoulders it is the shampoo and the condition. That is after a hair wash generally people use conditioner to keep their hair silky and smooth. this how there is relationship between the two product line of Head & Shoulder.

Thursday 26 September 2013

                                                PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE

A new product progresses through a series of stages starting from introduction, growth, maturity and end by decline of the product. This sequence is known as Product Life Cycle. And the factors that influence the PLC of a product are changing marketing situations which in turn affects the marketing strategy and marketing mix

1. Introduction- In this stage company launches its product in the market and introduces it to the customers.
Head & Shoulders came into Indian shampoo industry in 1997 during that time it had many competitors. When the brand was launched it was in the nascent stage and was dominated by Clinic All Clear. With a hyped launch of Head & Shoulder help it in gaining the popularity and growth in the anti dandruff shampoo market. In total shampoo market, anti dandruff shampoos constitutes about 15%of the market shares, and Head & Shoulders leads this segment.

 2.  Growth- The second stage of a product life cycle is Growth. In order to survive in the market a product has to keep growing. It is point where brand is built and shares are increased. At this stage the product gain recognition and buyers also repeat the purchase pattern. For sustaining in the market Head & Shoulders had to come up with different marketing strategy like it has different variety, quantity and prices. And was distributed to all the possible area so as to reach to its target customers.
        3.  Maturity- The third stage of the product life cycle is maturity. In this stage focus is on enhancing the quality of the product and promotion. The price of the product is kept low because of new competition and more incentives are given so as to increase the sales. Head & Shoulders in the PLC is at the maturity stage because at this time the company sale is slow down and it is trying to attract the potential buyers. But the different new brand of the Head & Shoulders which the company started is on the first or the second stage.

·     4.   Decline- The fourth stage of the product life cycle is decline. In this stage the product start phasing out, prices of the product is cut down, the distribution is also limited, advertisement is reduced and sales promotion is also reduced to minimal level. In case of Head & Shoulders it has not reached its decline stage yet as it is still in its maturity stage. And it is trying to revive its product with new innovative strategies and ideas


Porter’s model is a powerful tool to understand the model of an industry and how it is influenced by five key factors. A business manager should always an edge over its competition so as to sustain in the industry.

                                                         Porter’s Five Force Model
  •       Segment Rivalry- A manager should always know who all are his competitors and what are their capabilities. If a brand has tough competition and they have good product and services to offer then its little harder for the band to make its mark. Head & Shoulders strong competitors are Clear, Sunsilk, Pantene, L’Oreal, Nizoral, Palmovile, Vasiline.
  •      New entrant- The entry of a new entrant can wobble your product position in the industry. It takes only little time or money to enter the industry and to compete effectively. If the new competition is good enough then it can hamper your product demand in the industry and can give a tough competition
  •          Threat of Substitution- According to this model a threat of substitute exists when the demand of the product is affected by varying the price of the substitute product and by providing good quality with more quantity. Head & Shoulders was affected by those shampoos which are more beneficial and cost effective. In that ways L’Oreal total repair five, Clear, Pantene and Sunsilk was its competition
  •       Buying Power – It is the power that a consumer has so that it can drive the price down. It is affected by the number of buyer, importance of each individual buyer to your product, the cost to them of switching from one product and services to someone else
  •         Supplier Power- Power which a supplier has in order to drive the prices up. It is affected by number of the suppliers for a particular product, kind of services and good provided by them, the control of switching from you to some other company and the control over you. Fewer the suppliers you have fewer the choices and more powerful the suppliers.

                               Consumer buying decision

It is a process of selecting, purchasing and consuming of goods and services so as to satisfy their wants and desires.

Qualities a product should have in order to satisfy consumer needs:
  •     Product that is of great utility
  •  Should be cost effective
  • Should satisfy the consumer

There are various factors which influences a consumer’s buying decision
1.      Cultural Factors- Consumer buying decision is influenced by cultural factors and it is an important cause of a person’s wants and behavior. The effect of culture can vary from place to place, country to country and a marketer should be able to analyze this thing before introducing the product in a particular region or country, where there is demand of that product. Likewise, Head & Shoulders will be distributed in those area where people are concern about their hair health and places where people are facing hair problems.
2.      Social Factor- Society plays an important role in influencing the decision of a buyer.  This factor will include references group, family role and status. A reference group have potential role to play in making a decision or opinion about a certain product. For example- Somebody will recommend Head and shoulders because of the result they get after using it.
Family also plays a major role in influencing buyer’s behavior. In this it depends upon the group, family financial status that can affect the decision. And different perception and opinion different family members have like wife in the family is using Head & Shoulders, so she can influence her husband and kids to use the same shampoo as she will be a reliable source in making a right decision. And the marketer will also try to target those members who can influence the decision.
3.      Personal Factors- the personal factors that influences the buying behavior are:- lifesyle, economic situation, occupation, age, personality and self concept.
4.      Psychological Factor- these factors which affects our purchasing decision includes motivation, perception, learning, belief and attitude.
                                                                   Five Stage Model

  •   Problem Recognition- Procter & Gamble formulated Head & shoulders not only for dandruff. But also for all the hair related problems which other shampoos were not able to cater. A shampoo which can control dandruff, oiliness, manages frizzy hair and hair fall etc. And Head & Shoulders was able to provide all these benefits in on bottle.
  •   Information Search- In this stage consumer tries to gather all the product related information required to make the right buying decision. And the source of information includes family, friend, advertisements, wholeseller, dealers etc. Generally people got to know about Head & Shoulders through advertisements, shopkeepers, family and friends etc.
  •    Evaluation of Alternatives-Head & Shoulders has provided its customers with variety of shampoos depending upon the hair problem and hair type as compare to other shampoo brand. And it also checks that the product they are buying is cost effective or not. Different varieties are classic clean, citrus breeze, ocean lift, refresh, extra volume, dry scalp, sensitive care, hair endurance, clinical strength and itchy scalp.
  • Purchase Decision- After evaluating the alternatives the consumer buy the suitable product.  Head & Shoulders promises its customer a quality shampoo which can solve all hair related problem and also which is light on their pocket. Available in different sizes and prices.
  •  Post Purchase Behavior- After buying the product, a consumer will have an opinion about the product, whether the buyer is satisfied with the product or not. A consumer will go for Head & Shoulders only if he/she is able to get all the benefits they are looking for.

                       Customer value

Customer value is meeting the customer demands and requirements to deliver the quality product and services so as to give the customers variety, quality and value for money.

Value for customer

Head & Shoulder is a well known brand in the anti dandruff shampoo market with 20% market share. It has been providing its customer with product of range that suits hair and scalp need. Head & Shoulders grew in the market by understanding the problems and requirements of the consumer
The benefits that customers will acquire from a product is also of great importance
  •     Popularity of the endorsers
  • Credibility of the manufacturing company
  •   Brand name
  • Price (cost effectiveness)
  • Packaging
  •   Product awareness
  •  Dandruff elimination
  •  Revitalize scalp
  •   Remove itching scalp
  •   Stop root cause of dandruff
  • Stop dandruff from coming back
  •        Cool and refreshes the scalp    
  • Healthy hair & scalp
  •     Remove flakes
  •  Control oiliness
  •     Relieves irritation
  • Provide the customer variety of shampoos- different scents
  •    Available in different size and prices.

  • With all these things to offer, Head & Shoulders still have tough competition to fight. Some of its key competitors are Clean N Clear, Palmolive, Vaseline, Sunsilk, Pantene, L’oreal etc.
    Other anti dandruff shampoo mainly focused on improving hair conditions like silky smooth, soft & manageable hair, to moisturize dry and frizzy hair, address hair fall, add volume etc. whereas Head & Shoulders studied the market, understands consumer requirement by taking polls, surveys and interviews to get loyal and satisfied customers