Saturday 5 October 2013

Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning


Market Segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications for the relevant goods and services. Depending on the specific characteristics of the product, these subsets may be divided by criteria such as age and gender, or other distinctions, like location or income. Marketing campaigns can then be designed and implemented to target these specific customer segment. Segmentation is mainly done to understand the basic needs of a customer and to cater them in a better manner.

Segmentation stratgies have different criteria:-

  • It should be possible to identify and measure
  • It should be big enough to be worth the effort
  • It should be easy to reach it
  • It should not change quickly
  • And it should be responsive
Segmentation of  Head & Shoulders
Head & Shoulders came up with variety of shampoos and conditioner in order to solve their consumer's hair related problem. The market segment of Head & Shoulders are men and women aged 18 to 40 years, single and married located on the urban side of the region. The product is designed for the people who work 24 hours a day and are related to several people at work, in addition to their personal appearance need to have their hair clean, fresh and no traces of dandruff. And it also offer different shampoos for different hair problem depending upon the consumer like shampoo for oily scalp, dry scalp, for men, anti-dandruff, hair fall, etc.


Target market is a specific group of consumer that a business wishes to attract and sell its line of goods or service to. A target market may be defined in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, economic class, ethnicity, religion, or location. This process of socio-economic grouping allow business to create profiles of typical customer who is likely to purchase products from the company, which in turn provide the basis for the creation of marketing and sales initiative that allow the business to build a clientele within that customer demographic.

Target Market of Head & Shoulders
Basically the target market of Head & Shoulders would be men and women between the age of 15 to 45 years. They are targeting all the classes of society like high middle class which will include doctors, accounting, middle class which include teachers, nurses, lower middle class,training class, working class and , lower class .


Positioning helps establish your product's or service's identity within the eye of the purchaser. A company's positioning strategy is affected by a number of variables related to customers' motivations and requirements, as well as by its competitors' actions. This is created through the use of promotion, price, place and product. The more intense a positioning strategy, typically the more effective the marketing strategy is for a company. A good positioning strategy elevates the marketing efforts and helps a buyer move from knowledge of a product or service to it purchase.

 Positioning of Heads & Shoulders
Head & Shoulder is positioned in the market as a shampoo which gives 7 scalp and hair benefits such as

  • Fight Dryness
  • Calms itch
  • Relieves Irritation
  • Reduce Redness
  • Control Oiliness
  • Remove Flakes 
  • Leaves Beautiful hair

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