Saturday 5 October 2013

Branding and Brand management


It is the process of creating a unique name for the product and image in the consumer's mind, mainly through direct and indirect marketing that includes advertising with a consistent theme, sales promotion, public relation, print media, online branding etc. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retain loyal customers. Branding is also when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product. For example- Branding depends on different factors like how your brand is different from your competitors, what quality you are providing in terms of services and goods, how well do you deliver your goods and services, how well do you understand your customers need. If these thing helps in branding the product.

Elements of Branding

Brand Name- Head & Shoulders

  • The word Head refers to hair, because it is the products that solves the problem of dandruff and hair loss
  • The word Shoulders explains that the problem of dandruff can produce that which it fall on the shoulders causing a bad experience
  • It is a niche brand to a global beauty care franchise
  • It gives a sense of surety and trust  for total hair care
Brand Logo

  • Their logo is based on blue and white color that means freshness and serenity
  • It came in the market in 1961
  • Now  they have Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ail Khan as their brand ambassador
  • Initially there was on Head & Shoulders Shampoo later they came up with Head & Shoulders conditioner

Brand Slogan

  • Head & Shoulder slogan is "I never knew you had dandruff"
Brand Promise

  • Head & Shoulders fights dryness and dandruff
  • Calms itching
  • Reduce redness
  • Remove flakes
  • Control oiliness
  • Leaves hair beautiful

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