Thursday 26 September 2013

                                                             Marketing Definition

Marketing is the process of selling of an idea in the form of goods and services, in order to generate revenue, to get satisfied and loyal customers. Marketing also involves reaching out to the target audience, providing the customers with cost effective product and development & implementation of strategies which are beneficial for the business promotion.

 STP- Segmentation, targeting and positioning     KPI- key performance Indicator
  •   In a market, with so many anti-dandruff shampoos which is already dominating the market, it was a tough fight to win for Head & Shoulders. But with its quality and service given it has managed to make its mark in the shampoo industry. And have loyal customers to its service.  
  •  Head & Shoulders marketing strategy was to aim at getting customer trust by understanding the consumer problems and requirements (what are their expectation from an anti dandruff shampoo)
  • What helped Head & Shoulders grow was that it bridged the gap which other shampoos ignored by meeting the demands of the consumers like it focuses on enhancing and improving hair condition (unmanageable hair, oily hair, dry hair, hair fall)
  •  It considered all kind of hair problems faced by the customers, from proper hygiene, maintaining a healthy scalp and hair to gain right confidence

  •  Providing customers with various product range to suit individual scalp type and specific needs and with the amalgam of all these qualities Head & Shoulders tried reaching to the target audience
  •  Its primary goal is to create awareness and to solidify itself as the No.1 anti dandruff shampoo in the country
  • Head & Shoulders is spread in all major towns and cities across India, almost 2400 distributors reaching out to 5.8 lakh retailers in all over the country
  •  Head & Shoulder is being promoting through Campaign and TV advertisement. It is found in every Grocery Shops, Medical Shops as well as Stationary Shops
  • During the launch Head & Shoulders used price-quality interference strategy, but currently its using reference pricing as well as value pricing
  •  Head & shoulders uses different sales promotion schemes like hair saloons, TV advertisements, sports events, road shows, etc
  •   One of its marketing strategies was the social responsibility program. In 2005, P&G launched SHIKSHA, program through which consumer can contribute for the education of unprivileged children
  • These marketing plans helped It to grow and survive in an anti dandruff shampoo market and boost its market position versus the competitors

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